(Funny) A man is lying on the beach

A man is lying on the beach, wearing nothing but a cap over his crotch.

A woman passing by remarks,

“If you were any sort of a gentleman,

you would lift your hat to a lady.”

He replies, “If you were any sort of a h*t lad*,

the hat would l*ft by itse*f.”

2nd joke: Just women things…

When a customer left his cell phone in my store,

I scrolled through his saved numbers, stopped at “Mom” and pushed send.

His mother answered, and I told her what happened.

“Don’t worry,” she said, “I’ll take care of it.”

A few minutes later, the cell phone rang. It was “Mom.”

“Martin,” she said, “you left your cell phone at the convenience store.”


THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!


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