Save Money on Car Maintenance: Unveiling Unbelievable DIY Hacks That Will Amaze You

Can you even imagine a world without cars? It’s almost impossible, right? Cars have completely changed the way we live. Whether you’re out in the suburbs or living in the countryside, you know just how crucial it is to have a car you can rely on. But let’s be honest—keeping it in top shape can feel like a never-ending job. No need to stress, though! We’ve got you covered.

Can you even imagine a world without cars? It’s almost impossible, right? Cars have completely changed the way we live. Whether you’re out in the suburbs or living in the countryside, you know just how crucial it is to have a car you can rely on. But let’s be honest—keeping it in top shape can feel like a never-ending job. No need to stress, though! We’ve got you covered.×90.png×

We’re here to share some valuable insights to make your driving experience a breeze. From handy hacks to nifty tips, we’ve compiled a list that’s accessible to everyone. You’ll be amazed at how these tricks can simplify your life on the road. So, are you ready to give them a shot? Let us know your favorite, and join the conversation!

How Toilet Plungers Can Double as Dent Removers

One frustrating thing about owning a car is getting a dent in the body. It can be a nightmare because automobile shops will collect a handsome amount to have a little dent removed. Well, you don’t need to pay so much as there’s an easier way that costs nothing.

We probably all have plungers for our toilets, but they can also be used for other things. You can remove light dents with one and it doesn’t cost as much. First, clean the area with some hot water, then press the plunger against the surface and pull. You’ll be doing this a few times so the surface is even.

The Surprising Power of Toothpaste

Visibility is very important and so headlights are a must in every car. The lights they provide help you see where you’re going but when these headlights aren’t clean, it’s a problem. One that many don’t solve right away.

The solution is simple. What you need is toothpaste. Yes, you read right. The key ingredient to fight your headlight situation is something you’ve had all along; toothpaste. Put some toothpaste on the headlight and brush it with a toothbrush. It works for your teeth, why wouldn’t it for your ride?

Locate and Utilize Your Vehicle’s Manual Locking Mechanism

Manual locks are not obsolete yet, but they’re fast making way for electric locks, which are now a basic feature in every modern car. While this is a convenient piece of technology, it has a slight drawback: electric cars use batteries that could run out at any time.

Don’t be alarmed yet, though; there’s only a little chance of you getting locked out of your car in an inconvenient place. Why? Because the automobile manufacturers know that batteries run out, so they also include a hidden manual lock in vehicles. To find the lock, remove the plastic on the door handle, and you’ll see it.

Discover an Ingenious Keyring Hack

Keyrings have undoubtedly saved so many people from losing important keys. Imagine your life without them. Would you still have all that they hold in one place for you? While they are mini-saviors, getting things into them is usually a war.

We know it’s a measure to keep them safe, but wouldn’t you rather prefer a seamless way to get keys in and out? We thought so, too. You can make things easier for yourself by using a staple pin remover. All you have to do is sink the teeth of the remover between the device’s main section and one of its ends.

Surprising Stocking Solution to Revive Your Fan Belt

It is always a learning process when you own a car as you would soon need to know what to do in certain circumstances—for example, being in an emergency where your fan belt breaks require quick thinking and action. It is a crucial part of the engine so it needs to be fixed almost immediately before continuing your journey.

Luckily we have a solution to that. You can use stockings to replace your fan belt and have it back on the road in no time. If the previous belt is broken, simply remove it and wrap stockings on the pulley system, and you’re good to go.

Create a Paper Towel Hanger with DIY Techniques

There’s hardly any car owner who has not had to use paper towels in their ride so why shouldn’t they be kept on hand? If you’re the kind that is particular about how your ride looks, the best thing to do is always have a roll of paper towels with you.

That’s easier said than done because keeping the roll of paper towels in the vehicle isn’t just the trick. In fact, just doing that may contribute to the uncleanliness we’re trying to avoid. What you can and should do is get a rope, insert it through the holes of the paper towel, and tie it to your trunk.

Revitalize Your Cup Holders

Have you ever heard the saying dirty cup holder, happy life? No? That’s because it does not exist. Cup holders somehow find themselves with a lot of dirt. That is just because more than just cups are kept there. Imagine eating a burrito while driving. You’ll need to drop it at intervals. Where does it go? On a passenger seat? The dashboard? No, the cup holder.

To solve the problem of a constantly dirty cup holder, what you need to do is grab some cupcake cases and place them in the cupholder space of your car. Instead of all the dirt being on your cup holder, the cupcake holders will store them.

Harness Hair Dryer Power for Perfect Results

It’s pretty common to find stickers pasted on your car because of how easy it is to paste stuff on surfaces, but the real work is getting these stickers off. That’s where our fingernails begin to detest us.

However, there’s a better way to go about this without putting your fingernails through stress. All you need is a hairdryer. Just take it and apply some heat to the sticker. Give it some time, then peel the sticker. When you do this, you’ll be amazed by how much of your time and nails could have been saved with this information.

Unveiling a Quick and Easy Car Freshener Solution

Everyone loves that new car smell but there’s a reason it’s called “new, it’s because it fades off after a while. Nobody wants to get into their vehicle for a long ride when it doesn’t smell good. That’s why fresheners for the ride are an absolute must for most.

Making these fresheners from the comfort of your home is so easy, and there are many ways to do it. However, our absolute favorite involves putting scented wax candles in a container with a punctured lid. When it gets warm, the candles begin to melt and that’s all the magic you need for a great scent on a great ride.

Masterful Tips for Clearing Snow with Ease

What do you do when you wake up to your windshield covered in snow? Go back in, of course, and have yourself a lazy day! However, that can’t always be the case. You may need to leave your house urgently and you sure can’t drive if you can’t see far ahead, talk more of right in front of you.

We have a hack that will help you melt all that ice in less than five minutes: All you have to do is mix two parts of rubbing alcohol or vinegar with water in an empty spray bottle and spray the combination over the windshield.

Create Instant Bag Hooks for Easy Organization On-the-Go

We get it. It’s easy to get lost in the comfort of just throwing things into your vehicle. After all, it’s a small space that doesn’t need as much organization as your house. While cars aren’t our homes, it’s important that we keep them clean and organized at least because they are one place we spend a lot of time in.

That’s why car hooks can be helpful. They can easily be attached to the front seats of your ride and in no time, you would have ample space to hang some stuff in while losing the cluttered and disorganized space.

Closing the Gap

If you have ever lost something and searched for it for hours only to find it in the gap between your car seats, you’d understand how important this hack is. It’s not only losing things in them that makes us want them to go, it’s the struggle to retrieve lost items from them because of how tight they often are.

Don’t worry, your days of losing things in seat gaps are over. Just get a pair of pool noodles and stick them in your seat gaps. This will save you from a lot of stress.

Stay Ahead of Black Ice

There’s hardly anyone who does not get excited when snow begins to fall. The sight is nothing short of beautiful. However with that sight usually comes the drawback of black ice. With this, it’s almost impossible to drive.

Worry not. If you’re using a rear-wheel-drive automobile, we’ve got you. You can easily navigate this problem by using weights like heavy bags of salt or kitty litter in your trunk to put more weight on your back tires. What this does is it increases the friction between your tires and the road, making it easier for you to drive in the snow.

The Easiest Way to Maintain Clear Windshields

There’s hardly going to be any trip on the road if the driver cannot see. It’s cool to have good music to set the mood or even something as basic as fuel in your tank, but if you can’t see where you’re going, you might as well just

Why sit in your ride when all you have to do to solve this problem is clean your wipers often? It’s not rocket science. You just need a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth to clean the wipers, and your stories of lack of visibility when driving will be over.

The High Price of Speed

We know there is nothing like driving very fast with the wind blowing against your hair, music blaring and your destination getting more and more visible but speeding isn’t the best thing to do for your car.

This is why: when you speed, your brakes wear out faster with each stop. Slower speeds in regions with a lot of stoplights not only keep you safe, while safeguarding others, but they also help preserve your vehicle’s performance. Keep this in mind the next time you feel compelled to go past the speed limit.

Harness the Cleaning Power of Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the greatest gifts nature has given us. Its uses are almost endless, and guess what you can add it to your auto-cleaning kit. It’s just as great for your body as it is for your vehicle.

Its usage is pretty simple. All you have to do is use a coffee filter to pour a few drops of olive oil onto your dashboard. Wipe that very well and let it soak for a few minutes. The result of this hack will leave your dashboard shining. If that isn’t what every car owner wants, we don’t know what is.

Unlock Your Utility Space’s Full Potential

Seats are for sitting, while the trunk is for storing items. These two are all the space vehicle owners get. With such little space, many rides just end up cluttered. What happens when you need all the extra space you can get? We’ll answer; a clean and organized vehicle.

To practice this hack, you’ll need a shoe organizer. It is a great spot to keep all your vital items. You should mount them on the backs of your front seats. We guarantee that you’ll have all the space you might ever need.

Discover an Ingenious Hack to Maximize Your Space

If you’re so into having more space to yourself in the automobile, the roof of the car is a good alternative. With just a net and a few straps or cords, you would have made yourself a portable storage unit.

The hooks or grab handles placed on the rooftop play a major role. All that needs to be done is to tie the cords to those grab handles. Tie a net into the space created in the middle, and you have yourself some extra storage space. It’s surprisingly simple, but it’s pretty intuitive, and it works.

Save on Gas Costs by Optimizing Your Travel Efficiency

Getting gas into one’s tank is an activity many people will want to spend as little time as possible doing. They are almost always in a hurry to get done with it and move on to the next activity. It turns out you are at a loss when you rush while at the gas station.

When you rush through filling your tank, you unconsciously apply pressure to the gas pump nozzle. This simple action turns some of the gas that leaves the nozzle into vapor. This means you’ll be getting less gas than what is being paid for. So, it’s wise to take your time when filling your tank.

Unlocking Solutions

The idea of putting ice in whisky is not just popular but very common everywhere. Well, it comes in handy during winter. In situations where the keyhole of your vehicle is frozen, pouring a hand sanitizer aids in defrosting it fast.

The idea is that a hand sanitizer is largely ethanol (alcohol). As mostly observed, when ice is thrown into a glass of whisky (alcohol), it melts faster. The same thing applies to sanitizer. Since its alcohol content is high, its contact with ice increases the temperature of the ice, consequently thawing it.

Dent Prevention Guide

Many times, we’ve experienced situations where our automobiles get dents inside the garage. Most times, you just open the door, and it grazes the side of the wall leaving your car with a scratch. You’ll be left standing and wondering how you would have averted the disaster.

A swimming noodle on both sides of the wall would have worked wonders. Swimming noodles or Pool noodles are foam-like cylindrical-shaped objects used in pools mainly to introduce beginners to the pool. Their soft texture would prevent a hard collision between the wall and the vehicle’s door.

Parking on the Correct Side of the Pump

One basic thing that is sometimes confusing in vehicles is getting your positioning right when trying to fill your fuel tank. If you just changed to a new ride, you’ll even need some adjusting before you get used to it.

One way to make it easier is to follow the already provided manufacturer manual. On the dashboard where the fuel gauge is located, there is always an image of a gas pump there. By either side of the gas pump is a tiny triangle. The position of the triangle indicates what side of your vehicle the fuel tank is located on.

On-the-Go Phone Stand for Hands-Free Viewing Anywhere

There are times when you need to keep your phone up without actually having to hold it in your hand. These are the days you wish you had bought a phone stand. But don’t worry; we have got something that can help.

Everyone either has an elastic band or can easily get one. There are a plethora of uses for these things, but did you know you could also make a stand with them? Take the band and make a loop, running your phone through it and wrapping it around your AC vent. Easy peasy.

The Best Techniques for Safe and Efficient Parking

As a vehicle owner, parking in a tight spot is one hectic job, be it in a garage or a parking lot somewhere else. It’s always demanding and even worse if you’re new to driving because, with just a minor miscalculation of distance from the wall or other autos, you would be left with a dent in your vehicle.

A safe way through this ordeal is to be creative. Taping a tennis ball to the wall at a safe distance from your parking helps out. All you will then need to do is slowly drive through. And if you mistakenly go in way too much, you’ll hit the ball, saving yourself from any scratches.

Frosty Windshield, No More

In places where it snows, winter is a dreaded time for those who have to deal with the inevitable morning rush hour. Whether you have to get to work or somewhere else quickly, scraping the ice off your vehicle is always a problem. Here’s one way to get out of the fix.

Make proper use of nature’s gift, the sun. Since it’s widespread knowledge that the sun rises from the east and sets in the west, parking your vehicle facing east is a safe bet. The sun will rise and melt most of the ice piled on it, saving you the time you would need to scrape the ice off yourself.

Breath of Fresh Air

When the temperature gets a little on the high side while driving, we stretch a hand for the AC. But in situations where the AC is no good, or you’re trying to not run your batteries down, you roll down all the windows, thinking the air will flow in faster.

But that’s where we always get it wrong. Following proper ventilation, the best way to get an even airflow without having a wind blast is to open only the two windows at the front. That way, the hot air quickly goes out, and the cool one has an easy path to come in.

Tips to Prevent Windscreen Scratches and Maintain Clarity

When it comes to windscreens, a significant downer for every vehicle owner is seeing a scratch on it. Fun fact: a minor thing as dust piled on the windscreen wiper can cause that. So, what’s the way forward?

It is relatively simple. Take proper care of your wiper. It saves you the cost of having to change a bad windscreen eventually. Something as simple as cleaning your windscreen wiper before driving out, to covering it with some fabrics like a pair of socks, is all it takes to prevent the wiper from causing damage to the windscreen.

Unlock the Versatility of Shoes

In most automobiles, if not all, a compartment is always reserved to serve as a cup holder. That’s how important it is. In some vehicles, you’ll find two, while in some, you’ll be lucky enough to find three or maybe two extra. But what if you’re out of cupholders and need an extra one That’s where your footwear comes in.

Placing one shoe in between the passenger and driver seat gives you an extra cup holder. In cases where your footwear is too small to fit in the space between the two seats, a little padding with tissue does the trick.

Clearing the Fog

It is almost common knowledge that one of the hacks for saving your phone if wet is to dip it in rice. With time, the rice absorbs the moisture from the phone, leaving it dry and suitable for use. Hence, we apply the same concept to a foggy windscreen.

Although, in this case, we don’t dip the windscreen in a rice bag, the same principle applies. When the windshield is foggy on the inside, placing a rice bag on the dashboard solves the problem. The rice bag, like it would the phone, slowly collects the moisture around the windscreen, thereby cleaning the fog off the glasses.

Measure with a Penny

Except for auto mechanics and very few people, the average driver almost has no idea when their tires are due for a change. You would probably just drive until it’s absolutely obvious it needs one. In cases like that, it’s already too dangerous because it risks your safety.

A penny does the trick. Get a penny, and place it preferably upside down between your tire tracks. When a tire is new, and friction hasn’t taken a toll on it, a section of Lincoln’s head on the penny is covered. But, if his forehead is visible, then know the tire is due for a change.

Master the Art of Touch-Ups

Sometimes that inevitable incident while driving or parking happens and leaves a dent in your ride. This would most likely have you thinking about the cost of having to fix the scratch or, worse off, get a new paint job.

Well, this hack might not transform your automobile’s look, but it sure gets the job done at little or no cost. The critical step is to find nail polish with a color that perfectly blends with the color of your automobile. Apply it to the spot where the scratch is, and it’ll be almost impossible to spot it anymore.

Taking Control of Waste

If you frequently travel long distances, either through a public commute or by yourself, you’ll realize one thing. The vehicle is almost always filled with trash when you get to your destination. Most of the time, it’s trash gotten from all edible stuff that was consumed during the journey.

One way to avoid that is to practice mobile waste management. How do you do that? Just place a small trash can inside and put a plastic bag in it. That way, you have a waste bin in your vehicle, and it’s disposable when filled. Plus, now you wouldn’t have to clean the entire car.

Keep Food Deliciously Warm

One annoying thing about roads and cities is the fact that it’s almost impossible not to be stuck in the vast traffic faced daily. So, running a food delivery service could be very frustrating as the food will get cold before reaching its destination.

However, here is a worthy hack. The car seat warmers are designed to keep our posteriors warm in cold temperatures. So, why not make better use of them? You could place the food on the seat warmer. It’ll help reduce the speed at which the food gets cold, thereby keeping it warm for a while.

Finding Your Car Made Easy

Owning a car also includes the challenge of locating it in a large parking area filled with other vehicles. Many people have struggled with this, clicking their key fobs a dozen times and still not finding their ride. It turns out there’s a solution you’ve probably never imagined.

To increase the range of the fob, just place it under your chin and give it another click, and voila, you get a higher range. The brain emits waves that help amplify the range of your key fob. Not only is it a cool trick, but you also get to look clever when you try it around people.

Laundry Baskets: Unexpected Heroes

Having enough storage space is one thing; keeping the area organized is a different thing entirely. It’s common to just put a lot of stuff in the trunk without caring if they are in order. Then it becomes frustrating when searching for an exact item because there’s just so much chaos.

You can quickly fix the storage issue by having a laundry basket in your trunk. It helps to keep things organized, plus it keeps your trunk clean. So, next time you go shopping for groceries, you won’t have to worry about sorting the bags.

An Ingenious Hack for a Brilliant and Invigorating Scent

Getting your vehicle to smell nice is very important, especially if it has been parked for a while. A refreshing smell makes both you and your passengers feel more comfortable while taking long drives.

You could get your hands on a freshener, but using dryer sheets is an easier way to get rid of any smells. Placing a few of these sheets underneath your seat does the trick just fine. You can also place some sheets in the air vent so the fresh scent is carried further back into the vehicle.

Using Visual Aids to Locate Your Car in Crowded Areas

Finding your car in a large sea of other vehicles can be quite a task. While increasing the key fob range may work in places like a store parking lot, a much larger parking lot can make it harder to locate your vehicle.

What you should do is take a picture of the vehicle and the surrounding environment before leaving the parking lot. You also need to capture major signs that can be used as a landmark for where it is located. This will help bring you within a much closer range for your key fob to work if you ever need to use it.

Let Slime Take Charge

Slime is rapidly gaining momentum and we are on board with that. What’s the appeal? It’s slime! Need we say more? It’s fun to use, and it can reach anywhere and when we say anywhere, we mean all the places your regular cleaning cloth can’t access.

The best part is that all you need is the slime, no additional materials are required. What you do is take the slime and roll it through the interior of your vehicle. Soon, you’ll find that you had fun cleaning and achieved spotlessness while at it.

Tinted Window Plastic Sheets for Effective Sun Block

The sun being out can be a good thing in places with a generally cold climate, but the rays can quickly become annoying when you are driving. The light may get into your eyes and affect your vision and perception as a driver, and using the visor may not help since you are constantly on the move. The visor can’t cover every single angle, which presents a problem

You can stop at any store to prevent this and get a tinted window plastic sheet. The window tint can be used to cover specific areas and prevent the sun from bothering you. Plus, it’s also affordable and convenient.

 The Benefits of a Garage Door Remote for Effortless Access

After a long day, you’re finally home and in front of your garage, only for you to start looking for the remote that opens the garage door. This can be a very frustrating and time-consuming process, especially if you’re in a rush.

Luckily, automobile manufacturers have included a nifty inbuilt-garage door opener for newer cars. You can find the remote on the roof, next to the control for the lights. Don’t worry if you have an older version, as you can also get this feature. However, you will need to have a professional install it for you.


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